senior session must haves

What Seniors Want From Their Session?

As I have grown in my photography journey I have also grown along my clients. From photographing babies to seniors and even weddings. I have learned what seniors want from their session. And from the most girly girl, to the guy that is only doing it for their mom, most seniors have one ultimate goal. “DON’T MAKE ME LOOK STUPID?”

what seniors want from their session

Not only do they not want to look “stupid”, they want to look awesome. What better time to take photos than when they are about to finish their senior year (13 years of school, including kinder)? And they are about to go in a whole new adventure. What a fun time it is!

what seniors want from their session
summer session senior

Senior photography quickly became my favorite kind of session. I love seeing the 17 and 18 year old girls and guys shine in front of my lens. Some kids show up, they are ready, and they know what they are doing. Then others (most of them) show up and don’t really know what to expect. They are shy and always say something like, “I don’t know what to do with my hands.”

senior session blue dress

Don’t worry, it is my job to tell everyone what to do with their hands. And how to stand. Even how to walk. They way I tell seniors to walk is not the way people walk. It might make some people laugh. Trust me it’s fun!

So what seniors want from their session is to not look stupid but I promise I can do more than that. My seniors look AMAZING! I am always obsessed with every single session!

Send me a message and let’s get your session booked!

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